Friday 19 December 2014

Web Design - Cross Browser

The hardest job of a Web Designer is to program his web pages in order that they seem the same if visited by using different browsers; the term cross-browser has existed since web development began but not everyone knows about it. If you browse using Google Chrome, you will notice sometimes, that objects such as html-form buttons, text fields and tables have nice rounded corners, but when browsing the same pages using Microsoft Internet Explorer Browser, you would see just sharp-edged corners in the html objects, and in that case, these are not rendered in the same way, as a Web Designer would have intended.

In that case we would say that round corners relative code [i.

e: border-radius parameter] is not cross browsers related to Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, i.

e. that code is not executed by Microsoft Internet Explorer browser.

While web design could miss round corner enhancements, it surely cannot miss more important HTML feature properties.
Google Chrome browser does not return properly 100% heights of tables and objects according to their code-inline html optional attributes.

A bit of knowledge based on coding would not be a bad idea if one thinks to spread his presence online in a weblog or website as the world of coding, though based on rational "0″ - "1″ system, does not always allow to get the same results by using reversed processes or inline-adjusting.
I would like this article to encourage new students of Web Design to go beyond a client side interface such as WordPress. I really cannot imagine anyone using a WYSIWYG interface, because sooner or later everyone will need a bit of basic know how about the related html source code.
For example by designing a web site, not all the code planned in the complementary style.css file can also be overwritten by closer style html syntax in the main file, but some extra repetitive code in the same file (style.
css) would make the same goal.

Html-iFrame element is another similar case, in the sense that this element has no property at all if viewed by using Google Chrome and Firefox, therefore the Web Designers have to find some workaround solutions to add some interesting performance to this element.

Consider how exciting it would be for you to code your pages using just a normal text editor; that is all you will need to create and troubleshoot web pages. To help yourself in web design it is better to check your page's programming on local machines by using Explorer Browser which offers a Status Bar at the bottom of its interface and that is a very useful tool to spot JavaScript errors, but you will miss the round corners if those had to appear as such.

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