Saturday 6 December 2014

How to Build Your Own PC for Games

If you have delved into the world of gaming on your PC, then you will know that some store bought machines are not powerful enough for state of the art games.

Technology changes so much and this includes the technology inside games.

Therefore, you might buy a state of the art machine and spend thousands on it, when in a year's time; it is not capable of running the new games.

You will have spent thousands on a machine that is supposed to last years, when you could have built your own, spent less money for higher specs and then it will truly last a lifetime.

If you are thinking about building your own gaming machine, then you will want to make sure that it looks cool, so that you can brag to all your friends about it.

However, you will want to make sure that you have bought all the right components so that you have the edge over all your friends when it comes to performance within the game itself.
The aim of this article is to show you which components you will need to make your machine a more intensive gaming machine.
So, if you are about to build your own computer, read on and make sure that you have everything that you need.
Components Processor - Before you choose anything else, you need to make sure that you buy the right processor to run a high-end machine.
Intel do have the best processors at the moment.

They have a processor called the i5 that is the best value for money.
This is where buying the most recent release in processors might be a negative because Intel have just released their i7 processor, which is a lot more money. The upgrade between the two models is minimal. If you buy the i5 then you could save money and get just as good levels of performance. A 64-bit processor is better for gaming.
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push({}); Motherboard - Next, you will need a good motherboard that will support your new processor. If you don't know which motherboard to use then do some research on the internet to find out which motherboard is better suited to your processor.
Take note of the connections that you want your motherboard to have.
At the moment, having a HDMI connection is standard, but in the future, the industry might move towards Firewire, so if you want your machine to be future proof, you could spend a bit more money on a motherboard so that you have the Firewire connection. Cooling System - In a large gaming machine, you will need to make sure that it remains cool even when you have been playing games for hours, otherwise the motherboard will overheat and you will have to buy a new one.
Therefore, you should look into 120mm fan systems for your machine.

RAM - The more RAM you have, the better the machine will perform. This is why you should buy a 64-bit processor, because they can handle a higher level of RAM than a 32-bit.

You should aim to buy memory in groups of two so that you have better performance.

Aim for above 3gb of RAM, but if the motherboard and processor can handle more, then you should aim for around 8gb of RAM instead.
Graphics Card - Then you will need to buy a high-end graphics card so that the games look amazing when they run on your machine.
If you have done your homework, you might have bought a better hard-drive and motherboard, so that you can have 2 graphics cards

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