Friday 26 December 2014

The "Prom Promise" is an Important Part of Prom!

Teen drinking is a problem for most communities. It should be taken seriously.
Not only are there the obvious risks of car accidents, but many other tragedies can happen when alcohol is involved.

During the spring and especially around the high school prom, the issue is even graver.

Most experts agree that discussing the issue is one effective way to combat the problem.

One way many schools help bring the problem to light is to have all the students who will be attending prom sign what has become known as the "prom promise". This way the teachers, counselors and administrators have all said their piece on the importance of not drinking.

Also, though the teens have to take the promise home and discuss it with their parents as well. Sometimes the parents need to sign it too. Once signed, the kids get some trinket like trading pins, awareness bracelets, custom wristbands or pens.
This will remind them of their vow not to drink.

It is a fact that many adults turn their backs on -- or even encourage underage drinking, especially around special events like the prom. A few parents think they have little to worry about if their kids aren't driving. In more affluent areas, limousines are rented for their kids in an attempt to avoid alcohol-related accidents.

This does not stop other drinking accidents however.
Tragedies such as rape are not uncommon with underage drinking. Discussions and limit-setting around alcohol consumption need to take place throughout childhood and adolescence.
If parents are permissive around alcohol (and drugs) throughout high school, it's likely that any talk about prom drinking will be less effective.
It is important that the lessons be taught by teachers and parents throughout their school years. Sometimes it is a lesson that the kids need to take upon themselves. Prom is a perfect opportunity.
Many schools have the students choose the wording of the prom promise as well as the trinket given. Much thought and debate goes into the theme, the promise and the trinkets.

Prom is considered to be really special.

The kids on the prom committee try each year to put together the best possible night for everybody involved: the chaperons, teachers and attending as guests.
Many times they have trouble finding the right "trinkets" to give to students. They need to have guidance when wording the prom promise. It should be taken seriously and usually is by the students.

Their vow not to drink is one usually followed once discussed in an open, honest fashion.

While the prom promise is a relatively new idea, it is being embrace by all. The teachers and parents like the "teachable moment" and the students like feeling in control and somewhat adult signing the pledge.
So many bad accidents have occurred because of students getting drunk before, after, or even during Prom.

Everybody wants the dance to be a fun, enjoyable time.
One that will bring them memories far into the future. No one wants to remember a tragedy related to their prom night.

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