Sunday 28 December 2014

Instructional Art - Freedom of Creativity

Children need instructional art to stimulate self discovery and exercise their imagination. Children who go through childhood getting no artistic instruction, will have a difficult time with abstract thought.

They will learn to live by a set of rules that have been fed to them. Creativity goes far beyond the drawing pad, it is in the science lab, it is in literature, it is in construction, it is in medicine.

The need for instructional art grows as the world becomes more and more attached to the digital age of communications.

Life becomes void of visual and mental stimulation.
Art gives the mind a vacation from the mundane. Creative thought is stimulated through visual and sensory processes in the mind.

It needs to be utilized to work well- practice creativity for success in life.  Instructional Art- Stimulate the Brain! The sad fact that many school systems are unable to fund an art program- will eventually cause limitations in a person's life.
Children who are not stimulated on the creative side of their brain will be limited in their ability to solve life's problems.

Creative thought gives the mind a vacation from reality and allows for thinking that leads to newer and better ways of doing things.

A child who is given a pile of wood and screws and a screw gun, and told to build what ever they want using all of the supplies given to them will have a fun time building something- they will make decisions based on what they think is right, they will use their creative mind and most likely be pleased with the outcome. If another child is given the same wood and screws and told exactly what to do with the wood and screws, they will find it stressful, and may even give up due to frustration. Instructional Art- gentle guidance Instructional art needs to give guidance on the use of tools, and suggested methods, it should be full of encouraging phrases that praise the non-conventional thinker who is trying a new technique or style.
However- to give a class of students a set of rules for art will produce a room of unhappy kids and a room full of the same piece of artwork.
Imagine the art show- 19 of the same pieces of art, and no one knows which is theirs.

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