Monday 29 December 2014

Tips on Building Build a Lego Castle You Can Be Proud Of

It really doesn't matter whether you are a long time Lego castle enthusiasts, or you are simply flexing your fingers with this project for the first time.

All we can guarantee you is that castle building using everyone's favorite Lego bricks is bound to give you hours and hours of enjoyment. Also, no matter what castle architecture model you are using (if you even have one,) there is a lot of room to really exercise your creative spirit. Of course, nothing beats that sense of accomplishment of placing the last Lego brick on a really good model.

After one really great piece, you are bound to get hooked.
This can either encourage you to do more, or make you want to top of your work with something bigger, grander and more elaborate.

As they say, you are only limited by your imagination; and this is pretty much true with castle building.

However, if you take the time to look at the other Lego castle models, particularly those created by like-minded enthusiasts on the Internet, you might notice that some look quite authentic as small scale models. Of course, there are always the whimsical looking ones, or the ones done without actual models. But still, the ones that earn that hard, long look are those that show great attention to detail.
Here are some tips on how you can make that castle you can be proud of.
1. Remember that your building model is only as good as the number of bricks you actually have.

So unless you are prepared to shell out a lot of dough to complete one castle set-up, you need to really start thinking small.
You do not have to make a 6-feet-by-6-feet replica of an old castle to achieve a really great piece, even if you are using large Lego blocks.
Start small and build up from there.

One way of "cheating" with your architecture is to make the castle as hollow as possible.

After all, building inspectors will not get on your case if you don't make your interiors as delicate as possible.

This is actually one of the mistakes that most novice castle builders make - creating a solidly made edifice that use up most, if not all of the bricks and space. Since the Lego bricks can stand on their own, you can maximize the use of the pieces and the available space by hollowing out the interiors. 3.
A solid construction is one thing; a realistic looking one is quite another.

One of the best ways of presenting an old castle is to make it look like it is either moss-ridden or crumbling on the sides. This gives your piece a more authentic look, and helps break up the monotony of a one-colored building façade.
You can either skip a few bricks here and there or change the color of the bricks to give your castle a sort of battle-worn, time-eroded feel. Adding a bit of green colored pieces on the base of the castle (or some other parts of the edifice) can also provide a different dimension to your work. Adding small "windows" can also help break up the monotony, so don't forget to include these as well.

The key here is to use colors that will both complement and contrast with the entire castle facade.

Reasons For Mahjong's Popularity

In the decades before the Internet appeared, this game was the pastime of the smart and sophisticated, and in fact, was a game played before the invention of the car.
Unlike any other game, Mahjong was popular in its home country and later spread across the globe and has withstood the vicissitudes of fortune much better than any other game. According to Chinese myths, Mahjong was invented by Confucius in about 500 B.


But with the invention of the Internet which led to online video games, Mahjong didn't lose its popularity but adapted itself to this new medium-in fact its popularity grew in these times.

There are several reasons for the popularity of this game, such as: Over 2,000 years ago, this Chinese game was invented by a beauty in her chambers just to pass away the time.

She played with her maids with pieces of bamboo and ivory for tiles.
However, this game grew popular when the Americans took it to America and other English speaking countries. The game out of China was modified wherever it was played and made more contemporary.

In America, the popularity of this game overtook all others and it soon dominated the games scene, until the Depression when Mahjong lost its popularity because people had different opinions about the value system and confusion that was felt all over the world. With the Internet, people got the unique chance to play online Mahjong in the comfort of their homes because now this game could easily be played online.
Online Mahjong became very popular with more people of all age groups reached to play this game like never before. Die-hard free Mahjong players often infuse gambling into this game, so it's not surprising that more people play it now more than ever.

This is also the reason for top casinos offer it along with other casino games such as poker. It is also quite like poker, though here it is played with tiles, yet here the suits must be completed and again like poker, it needs strategy and skill to win.
The same game that Mahjong sets' importers dealt in were subsequently thrown out of business suddenly bounced back into the same business because now this game was called the game of 100 intelligences. Now, online players vie for points after playing free Mahjong total concentration.

Finally, research proves that employers of today want their staff to be exceptionally alert, for which they advocate playing a game of Mahjong.

Professional Letterhead Creation

The purpose of the letterhead is to give your client's company a solid and professional presence on company letters.

They, like everything else, should reflect the company's personality.

It's a representation of the company.
It's something that most everyone sees.

Let's look at creating it. Content As with most everything else, adding the logo is the first step in creating a professional letterhead. By adding the logo the letterhead becomes an official stamp of the company's approval.

It lets every one of their clients know that this is coming directly from the company they are involved with. Once you're comfortable with the placement of the logo, it's time to fill in the rest of the information. This should be as complete as possible, and be sure not to omit anything important.

It needs to contain the company name, their e-mail address or website, their phone and fax numbers, as well as their physical address.
Design The truly limiting factor here is going to be your client's budget.

You should keep the design simple and easy on the eyes.
It should still have character.

If it's within budget, don't be afraid to experiment with come colors and personal styling. Keep it within the same color scheme as the logo though. Distracting from the logo and other information because it's pretty is a mistake.
Remember, the idea is to keep everything professional.
In order to add that extra level of completeness to your letterhead, you should add a letter foot and possibly even a border to the document.

These should be elegant and incorporate some of the designs from the logo.

Don't go overboard, but don't be afraid of a little flair.

Things to Remember The important thing to remember about designing a professional letterhead is that many companies are able and willing to do it on their own.
However, it may be sub-par.

When creating a proper letterhead as a designer, your job is to create something much greater than what they will be able to create on their own.

While there isn't as much freedom in creating a letterhead, you have a lot of wiggle room.

Don't be afraid to take risks.
Take them.

Go back and make sure they look professional.

But take them. Now it's time to go back and evaluate your creation.

Make sure all the pieces are in place.
All of their information is there. The logo is in an acceptable place.

The footer isn't distracting, and the border compliments the document.

Save it, send it, pat yourself on the back. You are now done.

Sunday 28 December 2014

The Way To Enjoy Pokemon Games Online

Pokemon games online are in a rampage since its release over the internet. For all those who don't know, Pokemon became the next big thing since Nintendo's Mario games.It was Nintendo that released Pokemon as well and with these two great games under their wings, the company successfully continued its reign as one of the world's premier gaming giants. Pokemon was initially created as a media franchise, not really a video game series.

But since Nintendo is Nintendo, whatever they come out with will eventually find its way into the gaming market. Pokemon then became the primary game in Nintendo's Game Boy consoles.
This game followed the evolution of such console from its first days when all it has was a black and white screen, all the way to the newer Nintendo DS.
Pokemon games online were not available immediately though.
Several years have passed before the game got famous over the online gaming world.
Online gamers belong to an entirely different league. They are the ones who surf and play - usually for hours - until they find the game that they would like to download and share.
The discipline of online gamers is different. They are not like the conventional players who buy a game from a store and enjoy it through their consoles at home. The online gamers tend to try the game first and decide later if it is indeed one they want to play with for an extended period of time.
But no matter what your preferences are, whether you consider yourself a true internet gaming addict or a dedicated console player, there are Pokemon games online that would interest you.
These games are created carefully to provide an answer to your gaming needs. Pokemon is the first-ever role playing game ever introduced to gaming fans. It practically set the platform to most of the RPG games that are very popular online.
Online gamers should definitely pay their homage to the father of RPG's, which undoubtedly is Pokemon.

Play Pokemon games online to have a feel of what made it a huge craze back then.

This game franchise is still popular right now, thanks to the tons of merchandise that hit the market since its release.
Everybody is reminded of the cute little monsters that it features, which can be trained and molded into battle gears yet remain loving and caring like what a true pet should be.
Online Pokemon games use several of the 250 characters that the franchise introduced. However, the most popular one is Pickachu, which is the leading Pokemon and the primary pet of Ash, the game's main protagonist.

If you would like to enjoy this game, just look for these two characters - Ash and Pickachu. Together, they can take you to the colorful world of pocket monsters which can be both enjoyable and intimidating at the same time.
Pickachu and Ash are all that you need to enjoy Pokemon games online.

But of course, if you would like to play this game like a true aficionado, try catching all the 250 monsters with special Pokeballs and keep them all in your Pokedex.

Why You Need Computer Repair Services

Columbus is the capital of Ohio and the sixteenth largest city of United States.

It is a center stage for economic progress, technological innovations, state of the art health care research and facilities, and is a development foundation.
Considering all this progress, the city heavily depends on information technology to carry out its daily tasks. And because of this dependency, we see quite a high rate of computer and system problems occurring every other day.
Home based and commercial users both come across with quite many computer issues every day. This is where another fast growing industry steps in; the computer repair services industry.
There are small shops located at local residential areas, large scale repair companies and technicians who provide different types of computer diagnostic and repair services. Virus attacks, system failures, system upgrades, network installation etc, are some of the basic services offered by this industry.

Small Businesses Wherever you are living in Columbus, you can easily get Columbus repair services.
If you are a small town resident, you can easily find small computer repair shops that can repair your basic computing problems.

These shops charge for per hour work and have local experts as their main workers.
You can have minor system repairs and even renting of systems or buying/selling of hardware from these shops. If you are somehow talented in computer repairs, you too can set up your own small business by repairing systems and networks of the neighborhood; most services often spread by word of mouth.
Large Scale Companies Large scale companies avail services from equally established Columbus repair firms.

These firms have qualified, well trained, specialized experts of networks, servers, computer systems etc, who work efficiently on company systems.

These firms also provide home services at an hourly charge, but they may be more expensive than what you would get from a local service provider. However, with these computer repair companies, you can be sure of getting optimal services and 99% chances of having your system repaired effectively.
The companies also provide web design services along with server maintenance and website hosting. Apart from that, you can also get technical training courses from a well known, certified Columbus repair company.

Online Columbus Computer Repair Services There are many companies and repair services that act through an online portal. You won't see them having a large physical enterprise, but their online presence is very strong.

These companies are certified and they aim at providing their clients with the best in repair services.
They do not only provide services to one part of a state, but to multiple cities in a state.
These companies have their own partners and freelance operators who work at different parts of the state.

You can receive the best online customer services from these companies.
They will first aim to provide remote assistance or online assistance, and if be needed, you can opt for onsite services.

However, be sure that you choose a registered and certified online company for this purpose.

A Stop to The Disastrous Spending Habits of Teens

Teenage Research Unlimited reports that teenage spending has risen by more than 50% in the last three years.

These same teens who may be failing in the National School Examinations, seem to be getting extremely high marks on their spending.

What has caused this and brought our teens to this place where they feel entitled to mobile phones, designer labels, over priced electronic gadgets and dinning at fast food restaurants? The credit card debt way of life must be dissuaded and discouraged from an early age at all cost.

A stop must be put to this outrageous life style, least we create a generation of UNCONTROLLABLE SPENDERS.
In the UK alone, statistics showed that the average teen was known to spend £55 a week in 2002, mainly on clothes, accessories and fast foods. The youth alone are not to blame for this disastrous life style and prolific spending habits, since parents have neglected their responsibilities to a certain extent.
They are preoccupied and overwhelmed by work and careers. Then there are those with troubled family lifestyles - divorce, single motherhood or fatherhood, an absent father or mother to say a few.
Such parents out of guilt, try to cover up their self imposed limitations by showing their children "the money".

This has given rise to teens with CAREFREE BIG SPENDING HABITS and insatiable GREEDY APPETITES.
Our teens need to be educated financially and quickly too, because if we think educating them this way will be expensive, then we should reconsider our stand as their ignorance will cost billions.

Billy Graham a great evangelist said "If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area of his life.
" These same youth, with the right kind of knowledge, information and exposures will be the next Bill Gates, Richard Branson, TD Jakes, Piccasso, Albert Einstein and people who will greatly influence their society in a positive way.
Our teens need to be trained to be history makers and world shakers.

They have so much to give to the society and their world. The sad truth is that poverty consciousness will gladly seize any mind that is not occupied with invention and money awareness. This awakening is a must for all teens.
Our teens need lessons on making, saving, investing, multiplying, giving and spending money. This should be a part of their basic education.
Visit to get your free newsletters on the habits of the go-getter entrepreneurial teen and daily quotes.

Instructional Art - Freedom of Creativity

Children need instructional art to stimulate self discovery and exercise their imagination. Children who go through childhood getting no artistic instruction, will have a difficult time with abstract thought.

They will learn to live by a set of rules that have been fed to them. Creativity goes far beyond the drawing pad, it is in the science lab, it is in literature, it is in construction, it is in medicine.

The need for instructional art grows as the world becomes more and more attached to the digital age of communications.

Life becomes void of visual and mental stimulation.
Art gives the mind a vacation from the mundane. Creative thought is stimulated through visual and sensory processes in the mind.

It needs to be utilized to work well- practice creativity for success in life.  Instructional Art- Stimulate the Brain! The sad fact that many school systems are unable to fund an art program- will eventually cause limitations in a person's life.
Children who are not stimulated on the creative side of their brain will be limited in their ability to solve life's problems.

Creative thought gives the mind a vacation from reality and allows for thinking that leads to newer and better ways of doing things.

A child who is given a pile of wood and screws and a screw gun, and told to build what ever they want using all of the supplies given to them will have a fun time building something- they will make decisions based on what they think is right, they will use their creative mind and most likely be pleased with the outcome. If another child is given the same wood and screws and told exactly what to do with the wood and screws, they will find it stressful, and may even give up due to frustration. Instructional Art- gentle guidance Instructional art needs to give guidance on the use of tools, and suggested methods, it should be full of encouraging phrases that praise the non-conventional thinker who is trying a new technique or style.
However- to give a class of students a set of rules for art will produce a room of unhappy kids and a room full of the same piece of artwork.
Imagine the art show- 19 of the same pieces of art, and no one knows which is theirs.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Why Online Business Degree Programs Remain a Popular Choice For Graduate Students

Online colleges offering full online degrees have grown steadily in the last decade.
But, what has propagated these phenomena? Why are online degrees becoming so popular? Recent data shows that while trends to change from time to time, some areas colleges remain popular with online students.

These degree programs are in criminal justice, health care, information technology, and, business. Let as examine why degrees in business have remained on the popularity list for so long. What sets them aside from other degree programs? As you can imagine the field of business is a competitive one, and to be successful one must be able to stand out from the crowd: You can do this by: advancing your education, getting a promotion, getting more professional experience; and becoming an expert in your particular niche.

A major advantage of online business degrees is that you can complete your training at various levels.

These are associate degree (AS or AA) bachelor degree (BBA or BSc), doctorate degree (DBA), masters degree (MBA), Also, you can complete additional business certifications for example health care management, risk management, Six Sigma, and project management. Thus, the online degree option is a chance to advance your career and set yourself aside from your competitors.

The MBA has certainly made its mark as the industry standard for measuring success and accomplishment in business. This is more so for those who are in mid-level business management positions, and those who what to move beyond entry-level positions to more challenging tasks and responsibilities. The demographics show that many students enrolled in online MBA degree programs work and take class simultaneously.

An additional advantage of considering pursuing an online business administration degree is that there are multiple areas of focus to choose from including: accounting and finance, business leadership, human resource management, e-business, risk management, organizational management, project management, international business, marketing and sales, small business management, operations management, retail management, sport and entertainment management, and information technology management to mention a few areas of focus.

This wide selection does make business administration stand out from other degree programs.
Online business degree programs apply student-centered instructional strategies to improve learning outcomes.
These approaches include: enhanced instructor-to-student communication and student-to-student; customized approach to instruction that matches students' learning styles and work schedules; easy access to learning tools and materials any time and place; and using authentic approaches to evaluation and assessment.
A selling point for online business management is their dedicated approach to flexibility in scheduling and teaching.
Unlike in many brick-and-mortar colleges, completing a degree online assumes you do not have to be physically present to complete your course requirements, and attending a virtual classroom is ideal for those with busy family and professional schedules.

However, do keep in mind that some courses may require asynchronous, synchronous, or a combination of both communication modes.
The United States Department of Education reports that 20% of college students elect business studies.
As discussed, the many areas of focus in business studies are perfect for many professional areas such as finance and accounting, marketing and sales, and small business management.

In fact, in the U.
S. the most popular area of concentration is accounting, which in itself has various areas of concentration e.
financial accounting and tax accounting. Other areas in business with an increasing or steady demand are finance, and economics. In addition, employers are always seeking to hire graduates with marketing degrees.
This makes sense given that the Internet created new way conducting business.

The web acts as a platform for sales, advertising, business interaction, and business promotion. Related to this phenomena is e-commerce or e-business, another growing area in the business world.
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment in advertising, marketing, sales, and promotions should see a 12% growth from 2006-2016.
During that same period, accounting jobs are expected to grow by about 18% due to the expanding economic market and increasing regulatory reforms.
While earnings vary by industry, education, and professional experience, some reported potential earnings are: $106,790 for sales managers, $97,170 for public relations managers, $96,000 for project management positions, $113,400 for marketing managers, and, and $137,000 for financial analysts.
Business professionals are work in virtually about any industry that you can think of including education, financial institutions, not-for-profit bodies, manufacturing, entertainment, and sports and entertainment among others.
Each business and industry needs a range of skills from its employees making it important to make an informed decision on what you would like to focus on to succeed.

Also, it is advisable to conduct detailed research on which program best suits your needs.
Finally, it is important to really only consider online universities that are accredited and recognized.

Warning - Do Not Buy A Battery Powered Ride On Toy Without Reading This Article

Battery-powered vehicles provide a whole new dimension to traditional ride-on toys, and with the most life-like selection in vehicles, children are able to really play at imitating the adults around them! A vast array of colours and styles are present in the battery-powered ride-on toy category.

Suitable for both boys and girls, battery-powered vehicles are available with a 6V or 12V rechargeable battery and the only real difference between the two is in the number of speeds and the ground that the model is able to handle.

A wonderful entry level toy is the 6V Trimoto Racing Trike available in both blue with red and yellow as well as shades of pink and purple. Suitable for tiny tots from 18 months of age, this trike has a max speed of 2.

5km/h as well as reverse.

Another option for 18 month old riders is the Runner Quad available in pink or blue. Powered by a 6V battery the Quad has a single forward speed and one reverse. A slightly larger 6V battery-powered ride-on trike suitable for children 3 years and up is the Patrol trike available in Police Patrol or Princess Patrol models.
The Patrol trike comes with a single forward speed of 3 km/h and reverse.
The All Aboard 6V train and track set is a completely different type of battery-powered toy.

Using the 22 track pieces a track can be laid, and the little train chugs along it.
Complete with engine sounds and a horn, little engineers will also be pleased to know that an attached carriage has enough space for all of their favourite stuffed toys! Who hasn't wanted to drive a Ferrari F430, or perhaps an Alfa Romeo 8C? These luxury cars along with 6V Mini Coopers, Porsche Cayennes and BMW 335i's are all available in the vast array of miniature battery-operated ride-on toys! Suitable for children from 3 years and up, these cars have a single forward speed and one reverse as well so that even tiny drivers can parallel park! Battery-powered vehicles of 12V or more are generally suited to slightly older children 5 and onwards, and are also better on rough ground. This category includes the host of battery-powered tractors, jeeps and quads.
Ride-on equipped with a 12V rechargeable battery generally have two speeds of approximately 2.2 and 5 mph, plus reverse. Not all 12V battery operated models are rough and tumble though, this category also includes the smart looking Vespa trike.

The Vespa is slightly more unusual, as it includes a hand-grip accelerator like a real Vespa does, rather than the foot-pedal accelerators common in most versions.

The wide range of styles and models of kids electric ride ons available for children from 18 month through to over 10 years of age ensures that there really is a perfect toy for each child! It is important to remember several safety precautions when playing with these ride-ons.
Children should always be supervised while playing battery-powered ride-ons, and under no circumstances should they be driven on roadways.

They are strictly a backyard toy. Using common sense when playing with battery-powered ride-on toys will end in days spent having all sorts of wonderful adventures.

Leaving Home

I left home in stages, it started shortly after we moved from Lakeland, Florida back to our hometown of Providence, Kentucky.

I had just turned 15 and felt very confident. It was summer and school was out so I decided to visit my older sister who lived in Athens, Tennessee. Mom gave me bus fare, but I decided to save the money and hitch hike to West Tennessee.
I was really proud of myself, I made better time hitch hiking than the bus would have taken.
I had already figured out that there was an art to catching a ride. First I had to look neat and clean, avoid being dropped off in cities or other places that it would be hard to catch a ride. I was also friendly and tried to get to know the people that I rode with.
One fellow that I caught a ride with would press the accelerator hard then let up on it repeatedly until I thought I would go crazy.
Most were just nice and willing to help with a ride. I had very little if any trouble. People say that it is a lot more dangerous now days than it was in the 50's. I stayed a few weeks and then hitch hiked back home.

The second time I left home had nothing to do with me.

It was early fall and my cousin Bobbie and I were standing in the center of town talking when he starting talking about running away.

I found out later that he had just broken up with his girl friend and was upset.

I did not try to talk him out of it, I just said sounds like fun to me, lets go. I think he had a few dollars in his pocket and I had some change.
We started south down US 41 and decided to go through Alabama and onto Florida, I knew that if we made it to Lakeland that I could get my old job back in the Bowling Alley. We got a ride through Nashville, Tennessee, but were not so lucky in Birmingham, Alabama. The ride let us out right in the middle of town.

Bad mistake, we had to walk south to the edge of town before we could catch another ride. In Montgomery it was even worse, we were let out on the north side of town and had to walk all the way to the south side before catching another ride.
That night we crossed the Florida line and ended just north of Tallahassee.
An early cold front had pushed south and we were feeling it.

We found a lot full of school busses and all the doors were left open. We picked one and tried to sleep but it was too cold.

Back out on the highway there was no traffic and we tried again to hobo sleep. This is where you lay down head to head and use each other shoulder for a pillow.
After about thirty minutes we gave up again and started walking.
We found an old abandoned house and it had a fireplace. We managed to build a fire and survived the night.
The next day Bobbie said that he had enough and wanted to go home.
We started hitch hiking back north and had better luck with the cities. One trucker picked us up and Bobbie was setting in the middle, when the driver placed his hand on Bobbie's leg.

Well that did it, we were out of that truck in nothing flat, was that ever freaky.

Back in Nashville our luck turned sour again and we were stuck in the middle of town again. We went into a dinner and spent the last of our money, except for a dime that Bobbie used to call home. Our dads drove down that night and picked us up. After my close calls with owning a car and picking fights with my younger sister, I began to feel that I needed to get away.
School was not going well and it did not look like I would finish the ninth grade on my second attempt.
I was 16 and a half and the weather was starting to warm so I made some arrangements with one of Bobbie's class mates who was going on a senior field trip the next day to Paducah, Kentucky.
The plan was that I would meet them about two miles out of town on the road to Princeton.

I had to be careful because that was close to were my aunt and uncle lived and I knew that they would be up and out early.
That night I left a note on my pillow in the basement where I slept. Mom and dad slept in the trailer parked just outside my window.
I pack up an old suitcase and walked out the country road to a field and spent the night. The next morning I cleaned up in a ditch that ran through the field and got upon the road to look for my ride.
Here they come speeding like crazy, stopped and told me to jump in quick and get down in the back floorboard. I no sooner got down when the teacher pulled up along side and demanded to know why they had passed him and speed off. I could see him but fortunately he did not look down.

After some lame brain explanation he pulled off again and they eased back to the back of the line of cars.

Sluggo, was the nickname of the one giving me the ride and he gave me a nickel and told me to keep it to remember the trip by.
I did keep it until I got out of the service.
Sluggo came to visit us in Georgia once after I was married, he was into insurance then and doing well.
We had a good visit and talked a lot about that day I left home.
I got out in Paducah and hitch hiked across the Mississippi River to Missouri, and took US 61 north toward St.
Louis. I was not sure where I was going, but for some crazy reason Salt Lake City sounded good to me.
Some boys picked me up and they seemed a little too wild for me so I just kept quite and looked for a chance to get out.

After about fifty miles the highway patrol stopped us and questioned the boys at length, we all had to get out.
They were not speeding and I don't know what it was all about.
They let me out in the middle of St.
Louis and I was so glad to be rid of them I did not protest about being stranded in the middle of town. I found a YMCA and rented a room for the night.
I read my bible and prayed that night.
The next morning I caught the bus to the edge of St.

Louis and started hitch hiking again.

After a couple of short rides a man picked me up that was heading to Alaska.

We talked about me riding along with him, but I understood that one needed at least a hundred dollars in order to cross the Canadian border so we parted company around Kansas City. Later in the day I caught a ride with the Youngs, I cannot recall their first names, The husband was half blood Indian and his wife was full-blooded Indian.
They both were Christians and had a habit of picking up young boys and helping them out. They usually ended up talking the young men into joining the armed services and then would loose touch with them.
I could understand why as they would move around so much that the mail could not keep up with them. I also loss touch after a couple of years.
We put our money together and feed the gas tank until we reached Wyoming.

The first night we spent the night in a road side park and they read their bible and prayed before turning in.
The Youngs were heading to Portland Oregon where he had a job waiting for him on a farm just west of the city.
We got a job on a ranch in Montana digging irrigation ditches.
The digging was not too bad as the soil was sandy.

A week later we took our pay and headed out again.

We would stop in small towns and split up looking for work. One nice lady let me clean her windows for her and then invited me to stay for dinner.
I had my first taste of Elk. In Idaho we found work on a potato farm, the potatoes were rotting in the storage sheds and had to be moved quickly, I recall working and shoveling rotten potatoes for fourteen hours straight.
At the end of the week, the owner informed us that he would be holding back our pay for one week in order for taxes and processing.

Well that would not work for us so we settled for about half pay in order to get some cash to travel on.

That got us to Portland and the job along the Columbia river.

I helped some loading hay and then found a job at a blowing alley in Portland.

During the month or so that I lived with the Youngs, I found an old radio that had all the tubes removed, after switching them around I finely got it to working and we had a little entrainment. The Columbia river flooded and the water was up into the hay field.

I told the Youngs about the time on the Ohio river that my dad took us across to an island that had been covered with water and we caught the carp with our hands in the mud where they were trapped.
We had four large sacks of carp and brought them back to a pond and cleaned and froze a large number.

We had carp for dinner for several months.
The next day I went down to the flood waters and sure enough there was carp feeding in the flooded hay.
I caught a nice large one by putting one hand in the mouth and grabbing the tail with the other hand. We had a good meal on the carp that night.

Some people don't like carp because they are a mud fish and have a sightly, muddy taste along with plenty of bones, but I enjoyed it and so did the Youngs.
I wrote mom and dad a letter, telling them that I was all right and let them know where I was. The Youngs had been talking up the army and about enlisting, and I was thinking that I needed a little time to grow some with a little supervision.
I was still 16 and even though I had only a few months to wait til my 17th birthday, I thought it would be an easer thing to keep up with one year instead of a month change.
So I lie about my age a whole year.
I visited the enlistment office and obtained the papers for a 17-year-old to join.

I mailed the papers to dad to be signed, explaining my desire to join the army. Dad had been in the army during WWII and I knew that he would understand.
What he really thought was that he had rather have me in the army that running around the country side. Mom later regretted signing the papers and almost turned me in, but dad talked her out of it. With the signed papers showing I was 17 instead of 16, I threw away my driver's license and joined the army in Portland Oregon on May 26, 1958 two months before my 17th birthday.

Kids Skateboard Shoes

My pre-teen sons are both very athletic, but they don't play traditional stick-and-ball sports.

Instead, they prefer extreme activities like skateboarding, snowboarding, and dirt biking.
These sports are just as good for developing coordination, self-confidence, and self-esteem as baseball or soccer, so I fully support my children's choices in any way I can.

This includes making sure they always have the proper equipment, from kids skateboard shoes to junior-size helmets and goggles.
Buying sports gear can get expensive, especially when it comes to keeping two growing boys outfitted for three completely different activities. While other parents might get away with having their children use the same cleats for baseball and football, a motocross helmet is not going to cut it for snowboarding, nor will kids skateboard shoes ever be acceptable footwear for riding a dirt bike.

Because of this, I'm always on the lookout for special deals and sales on the items my boys use the most. Footwear never lasts long in a house with growing children, so it's not surprising that we go through several pairs of kids skateboard shoes every single year.
These things either wear out from all the use and abuse they get, or the boys simply outgrow them. Either way, it means I have to buy new kids skateboard shoes every six months or so.

And of course my little skaters only want the best brands, such as DC, Airwalk, Etnies, or Vans.
These products are more expensive than other lesser-known names, making it even more imperative that I find good bargains whenever possible. Fortunately, I've had pretty good luck finding kids skateboard shoes online.

There are some excellent websites that always seem to have discounts on the kind of footwear the pre-teen set wants the most. These sites generally have a wide selection of sizes and styles, and have liberal return policies that allow me to exchange anything that doesn't fit just right. This takes the risk out of buying kids skateboard shoes online so I can enjoy all the bargains without any of the usual worries.

I employ the same strategy for other sports equipment that I use for kids skateboard shoes.
Thus far, I've been able to get snowboards, helmets, goggles, boots, gloves, and jackets for much less than I would pay in stores at the mall. In fact, if I wasn't able to save 20 to 60 percent on each purchase, my sons would probably have to get involved in different activities.
Anyway, if your children are into non-traditional sports like mine are, I hope you're encouraging their choices.

I know it can be tough to buy all the right equipment, but with a little checking around on the Internet, you'll be able to score some amazing deals, too. That's the least you can do for your future X-Games gold medalist!

The Picky Eater

I understand from my mother that I gave her some difficulties when it came to eating. Apparently I did *not* approve of junior baby food. The story has been handed down unto the next generation. It did not, however, help me when I had to go through the same thing.
Our eldest daughter had a few foods she wouldn't eat as a toddler, but not many. She enjoyed most foods, and I thought that was great! So, we avoided pureed green beans and broccoli and all was well.

Younger daughter was another matter entirely.
It was kind of a shock, as she was very like her sister as a baby, but when she got old enough for regular table food, we had quite the fight on our hands.

She would rather be hungry than eat things she did not like. And she did not like a lot of things.
We tried everything.

Perhaps she had trouble reaching the table, so my husband bought a booster seat for her.
Maybe the silverware was too big, so we bought special silverware just for her.
It improved slightly, but not much. In fact, the only way we could get her to eat for several months was if one of us fed her. It took her getting old enough to have the words to tell us what the problem was.
One of them was oil.

She did not like oily foods or foods cooked in oil.

I'm from the South, and at the time, most meals involved at least one cast iron skillet. Boy did I have a lot to learn.
I'm sure we aren't the only parents who have had to deal with a picky eater. I can't tell you that all picky eaters have the same issues, there are several that could be the problem.

Here are a few and some ideas you might try.
Some I've tried and others I've found from talking to other parents. Whenever the issue has come up on news programs, we are assured that the child will probably grow through the problem without health problems, but.
. Control: There are two possible reasons control could be a problem. The child may be trying to control you. A few do, for whatever reason.

That's one best decided by someone who understands child psychology. However, the child may be trying to control him or herself, to begin to express individuality.
This can be handled, usually without to much fuss.

If your little one will only eat three or four different foods, it won't hurt a lot to let them eat that. Rotate which of those limited items are on the table and try to introduce more foods.

Taste: There are several foods I detest. In fact, I'd rather skip a meal than eat them.

Kids are the same way.
Some are supertasters, which makes eating them torture. Very young children may not have the words to explain the problem, and they come off as brats. Allergies or Sensitivity: These are two separate issues, but are usually lumped together. When a child dislikes a certain food, it is possible that their body is trying to tell them something.

I listened to that with the girls.
I suspect our younger daughter is allergic to chocolate, as she never liked it.
Sensitivity is harder to explain, but I'll use the example of younger daughter and oil.

There are foods she'd eat cooked any other way, but the minute they're cooked in oil, bam.

Also, I found that she can tell the difference between how the oil is produced.

Cold pressed oils are much more tolerable.

Heat: With this last one, I don't mean hot by fire.
Young taste buds are a lot more sensitive than adult ones. I remember how much I hated black pepper and raw onions as a child, but I love them as an adult. If the food you are making is on the hot side for whatever reason, the child may not be able to handle it.

Picky eaters don't have to be a problem, as long as you pick your battles.

Find out first if there is a good reason for the problem, then work on dealing with any issues that might require some discipline.

Friday 26 December 2014

Toy Kitchens - Toys Your Kids Need

Parents what only want is the best for their children.

They provide them the things that they did not have during their childhood years.
In addition, they do not want their kids to go through the same hardship that they experienced when they were younger.
Nevertheless, try to think about the function of the toy you will buy.

Will your kid get or learn something from it? Not because he wants a toy, he must have it.

It means that he will just play with it and eventually break it. Parents and guardians as well must be practical nowadays.

Since you are responsible in molding the kid to be a better person, you must understand that the toys that he plays with must be beneficial to him in one way or another.
Take for example educational toys.

They are like any other toys but manufacturers want to give some knowledge and understanding to children who will play with them.
Toy kitchens are good to this purpose to a completely new perspective. As they teach children a typical task for daily life, they can also teach children to avoid accidents while cooking in real life. They incorporate playtime with learning so that the children are able to get new things from it while playing. They need not to look far for a toy that they will enjoy and discover new stuff with it.

There are toys especially made for infants or babies and for the older kids.

Some toys are for pretend play, crafts, food play and the likes.
They make children excited while they anxiously wait for their turn to play with them. There are even puzzles, toy trains and other neat toys that they can play together with other children.
Color is one of the most important thing parents must look in a toy. It just gives the product a different glimmer when you set eyes on it.

Some toys children want to play with instantly are those still on the shelves.
When children see the toys, they instantly want to hold them or grab them and play with them right there.
Color and function always go hand in hand just like bread and butter. Children need toys having various hues because they look prettier and have more appeal to them. You may want to check out different products on learning toys. It does not mean that some mentioned brands are not credible, it is just that you are given the choice on what you will buy and provide to your kids.

The important thing here is to think what your children needs before purchasing any more toys.
Every parent goes through this, it just happens whenever it is destined to happen.
Children look up to you in providing quality yet educational toys that can help them become a better and more knowledgeable persons.

The "Prom Promise" is an Important Part of Prom!

Teen drinking is a problem for most communities. It should be taken seriously.
Not only are there the obvious risks of car accidents, but many other tragedies can happen when alcohol is involved.

During the spring and especially around the high school prom, the issue is even graver.

Most experts agree that discussing the issue is one effective way to combat the problem.

One way many schools help bring the problem to light is to have all the students who will be attending prom sign what has become known as the "prom promise". This way the teachers, counselors and administrators have all said their piece on the importance of not drinking.

Also, though the teens have to take the promise home and discuss it with their parents as well. Sometimes the parents need to sign it too. Once signed, the kids get some trinket like trading pins, awareness bracelets, custom wristbands or pens.
This will remind them of their vow not to drink.

It is a fact that many adults turn their backs on -- or even encourage underage drinking, especially around special events like the prom. A few parents think they have little to worry about if their kids aren't driving. In more affluent areas, limousines are rented for their kids in an attempt to avoid alcohol-related accidents.

This does not stop other drinking accidents however.
Tragedies such as rape are not uncommon with underage drinking. Discussions and limit-setting around alcohol consumption need to take place throughout childhood and adolescence.
If parents are permissive around alcohol (and drugs) throughout high school, it's likely that any talk about prom drinking will be less effective.
It is important that the lessons be taught by teachers and parents throughout their school years. Sometimes it is a lesson that the kids need to take upon themselves. Prom is a perfect opportunity.
Many schools have the students choose the wording of the prom promise as well as the trinket given. Much thought and debate goes into the theme, the promise and the trinkets.

Prom is considered to be really special.

The kids on the prom committee try each year to put together the best possible night for everybody involved: the chaperons, teachers and attending as guests.
Many times they have trouble finding the right "trinkets" to give to students. They need to have guidance when wording the prom promise. It should be taken seriously and usually is by the students.

Their vow not to drink is one usually followed once discussed in an open, honest fashion.

While the prom promise is a relatively new idea, it is being embrace by all. The teachers and parents like the "teachable moment" and the students like feeling in control and somewhat adult signing the pledge.
So many bad accidents have occurred because of students getting drunk before, after, or even during Prom.

Everybody wants the dance to be a fun, enjoyable time.
One that will bring them memories far into the future. No one wants to remember a tragedy related to their prom night.

Speed Learning Techniques for Kids 101

Many parents hesitate on enrolling their kids on speed learning program to learn different techniques because they are afraid that these techniques will be too sophisticated for young children. This is highly understandable. But then again, once you understand the basics of speed learning, you will find out that these types of techniques are actually more effective.
You see, speed learning techniques are oftentimes easy. In fact, it may be that your kids (or even you) are already using it. Here are some examples of the most common, effective but overlooked techniques for kids: 1.

Use Images There are many different learning personalities, eight in fact. Now, most kids have not discovered or developed their learning personality yet.
But most kids respond well to images and sounds.
One of the first speed learning techniques for kids you should try is to incorporate images or visual aids into your child's studying regime. When I say images, I don't always or necessarily mean photos. You can make use of mind maps or flow charts. 2.
Use Sounds As I mentioned earlier, children respond well to sounds.

For this particular technique for kids, you have several options.
First, you can play some music on the background.

Now, do not think that you can play any type of music, it's better if you stick with classical music. Mozart songs are perfect.
Now, another option is to listen to audio books or recordings.
You can also record your voice or your kid's voice and let your children listen to it during study time. This will keep them interested, for sure.

3. Use Flashcards For many, many years, flashcards is one of the most used speed learning techniques for kids.

It is a fun way to memorize or remember things.
It also has a sense of fun or a feel of it being a game.

And you know kids, right? They like games.

When you use flashcards, not only are your kids learning, they're having fun too. 4.
Use Books Now, this particular speed learning technique for kids would work best if you do it before bed time. You don't even have to monitor how fast or slow your children reads.
Before going to sleep, just have your child read a textbook or whatever book you want. During this time, the subconscious mind is starting to open and this increases a person's ability to remember whatever it is that they are reading.

The Boom in Online Education & Teaching Jobs

We've been living in economically trying times, but one sector has shown consistent growth: online education. When jobs are going right, left and center in other industries, education remains a growth area, with online education boosting the sector considerably. Jobs in online education, including online tutoring for school-age and adult learners, are growing even as opportunities shrink in other sectors.

It's not hard to find the principal reasons for this demand for education. With many candidates vying for a reduced number of jobs, the applicant with the best qualifications is going to have a clear edge over their less well-qualified peers.
Many people who have lost their jobs have returned to education, either to up skill themselves or boost their CVs or, in some cases, to retrain in other career fields.

The role of online education in these trends is clear.
Although distance education has been around a long time, receiving study materials by post, and even working with interactive materials on CD and DVD, has always had its drawbacks. Online education has a variety of huge advantages.
• Instant access for online learners • Interactive learning with online tutors and internet resources • Affordable online tuition due to reduced overheads incurred in online education • Access to online education, no matter where learners or online tutors live.

• Access to online tutors at times convenient to all concerned.
Studies have also shown that online education is effective.

Some studies suggest that blended education (a mixture of traditional classroom-based teaching and online learning) is more effective than other teaching methods. The growth of online education has had a significant impact on the job market.
That impact has been felt not only in conventional education (K-12 and college) but more widely.

Online teaching jobs have been created in a range of areas, including adult education and in the leisure industry. Online teaching jobs have sprung up in subjects as diverse as hobby subjects, foreign language learning and even sports tuition.

The availability of new technologies (including video calling, screen sharing and internet whiteboards, webinars and so on) in the interactive Web 2.0 platform has also created opportunities for teachers, as well as learners. Although online teaching jobs for educators in schools and colleges have mushroomed, the internet has encouraged many people to share their knowledge with others.
Not all online learning is qualification-oriented and people with a passion for a subject are able to share their skill and knowledge with others as never before. Some embrace online teaching jobs as a civic or charitable duty, rather than as a career path, though online education today offers new ways for educators to carve out careers in their chosen subject or subjects.

Online teaching jobs offer flexible working hours for teachers (including work-at-home mums) that have not conventionally been available.
Private tuition, once the province of those able to afford it, is now within the reach of almost anyone with a broadband internet connection.

The expansion of online education and online teaching jobs is in its infancy. As more and more people across the planet get connected to the internet, new opportunities and ways of spreading knowledge are likely to emerge.

In addition, people who have embraced existing opportunities and taken up online teaching jobs find it a satisfying, fulfilling and exciting avenue in the world of education. It can only lead to a world in which education is within the reach of anyone in need of tuition or help.

Thursday 25 December 2014

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Considering Online Graphic Arts Colleges

Interested in a career in graphic arts? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), most graphic design jobs require a bachelor's degree.
So if you're already busy with family commitments, a full-time job, or a long commute that makes attending traditional classes impractical, then look through the following questions to figure out whether a graphic arts school online could be right for you.

Five Questions to Ask Yourself About Online Graphic Arts Schools 1.

Can you work well independently? Those who are interested in online arts schools should be self-motivated and disciplined. The freedom and flexibility of online graphic arts schools means that there will be no one checking to make sure you completed your homework, listened to the lecture, or are even progressing toward the end of your coursework.
If you don't think you'll handle the freedom well, online graphic art schools may not be for you. 2. Do you thrive on community? If you are the type of person who enjoys face-to-face interactions, you might do better in a traditional arts classroom. If you enjoy working with others but are still interested in online arts courses, then look for an online school that offers plenty of opportunities for discussion and feedback, which could include online discussion boards, peer reviews, and plenty of correspondence with the instructor. 3. Do you know where to find scholarships? According to the New York Times, most online schools charge tuition similar to that of traditional schools.

So even if you're saving money on commuting gas, room and board, or by working at the same time that you're studying, finding scholarships can save you even more money. Look at the College Board Web site and Fastweb.
com; these are two free Web sites that can help you get started.

4. Is your online graphic arts school accredited? Buyer beware: there are online schools out there that offer diplomas at a price, but aren't actually accredited.

If you want to make sure your degree actually means something, check the accreditation status of your online graphic school at the U.

Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
Does your school's graphic arts program mesh with your career goals? If you're just looking for basic training in graphic design, you may not need to be as picky about what graphic arts school you attend.

If, however, you are interested specifically in graphic design with an emphasis in advertising, magazine layout, or art direction, make sure the online arts school you enroll in offers courses, if not an emphasis, in your secondary field. If you have done the research, know your career goals, and know your learning style, then you are probably ready to attend an online school for graphic arts. Keep working hard and don't let yourself get sidetracked, and you should be well on your way to a career in arts.

Books To Get Your Son Reading (Grade Schoolers)

So you're looking for some books to inspire your middle grade schooler to read, but you don't much want to go down the ever popular 'fart jokes' style of book.
Well you're in luck. There are actually plenty of good books for boys, you just need to know where to look.
Below are some suggestions.

But first some tips on reading with your kids.

Reading out loud is important to your children's reading development, but don't make it into a chore.
Consider choosing a half hour period each day when you read together, but you do most of the reading.

Choose books that you can both enjoy, but make sure they are not beyond your child's abilities.

Take turns reading, but perhaps your child can read a page or two while you read a chapter.
Make this a special together time that your child will look forward to.
When it's his turn to read, remember the three P's - pause, prompt, praise.
Pause, when he doesn't immediately know a word - don't just jump in with either the answer or a prompt.

Having paused, if he doesn't come out with the word on his own, Prompt - suggest sounding out if appropriate, or say "look at the picture - it starts with 'tr-', what do you think it could be?" and Praise any attempt.

The Books *Tashi series by Anna Feinberg. These are like an early chapter book, with two stories per book.

Suitable for about 6+ when you are doing the reading.

Personally I enjoy them as much as my son. *Magic Treehouse series by Mary Pope Osbourne - these are quite overtly educational books, but the element of magic gives them that extra appeal for children. These will also appeal to children as young as six.

*Geronimo Stilton Books - this is another popular series about newspaper mouse Geronimo Stilton and his adventures.

There is also now a spinoff series about his sister Thea Stilton. Aimed at 8-12 year olds.
* How to Train Your Dragon, by Cressida Cowell and its follow on books.

These are probably a little harder and certainly longer than the previously mentioned books, but they are enormously entertaining, and have the advantage of being known for the movie of the same name - though the movie plot is so substantially different to the books as to be almost unrecognizable. One of the great things about all these books is that they belong to series'.
This means that once your kid is involved with the characters and doesn't want to let them go - he doesn't have to.

If once your kids fall in love with any one of these series', there are plenty more books - in some cases dozens, to keep them reading.

Control Your Teens: Learn How to Deal With Teenage Anger

One day, you received a call from school.
It turned out your teenage son had just beaten up somebody else again. This time you're definitely worried.
This would be the third time for the past 3 weeks, and you definitely believed something should be terribly wrong with your kid.
There's a huge chance your son is suffering from teenage anger, and this is becoming more common for the past few years. Every day thousands of kids end up bullying others, putting some of their friends in too much peer pressure, cursing and yelling at parents, leaving their homes, or even getting into substance abuse and crime.

As a parent, you certainly hope there are ways on how to deal with it and help your teen before it gets too late. Guess what, there are.

Observe the patterns.
Teenage anger is often defined as an uncontrollable or excessive raging emotion.

It's an outburst that often results to physical, emotional, or mental harm to the teen as well as to the other person. This type of anger happens a lot of times and sometimes for no reason at all.
Nevertheless, parents should not easily conclude a confrontation or argument as a sign of teenage anger.

It could be your teen is pissed off or annoyed at something.
This feeling doesn't last for a very long time.

Hence, pay attention how your teen acts for a couple of weeks.

Talk things over.

One of the first tips for anger management for teenagers is to talk to them.

Get to the real reason of their anger. Some teens are actually acting violently just to get your attention. Perhaps you've been busy with other responsibilities or you thought they're old enough to be on their own. A number of teens are receptive to talking, especially if you can find the right time and place to do it.
It's definitely worth pursuing.
Stage an intervention.
On the other hand, there are times when teens don't really want to listen to you.
They believe there's nothing wrong with what they're doing.
If this is the case, the next step is to request for a teenage anger management intervention.
How this is accomplished depends on the facilitator, but it's possible the teen will be asked to stay in a facility for days, weeks, or months.

It may get much longer if your teen is already involved in substance abuse.

Drugs and alcohol can impair brain chemistry.

Your son or daughter needs to be detoxified. Create a loving, peaceful environment.
Make your home pleasant for everyone, especially for your teen. Reduce tension.
Surround the home with plenty of love.

Consider using subliminal messages. Subliminal messages or affirmations are good for both teens and parents.
Their anger may be fuelled by negative emotions building up inside them. The affirmations can help transform these negative thoughts into positive ones.

Parents, meanwhile, need to learn how to effectively cope with teen anger.

The affirmations will provide the motivation. Subliminal messages become even more effective when combined with other strategies for anger management for teens, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.

Never think of your teen as a lost cause.
Once you give up, then it will also be the end for your son or daughter.

Instead, take the first bold steps now.

Interactive Classroom Engagement - Virtually!

With several schools and colleges moving towards exclusively online classrooms, instructors are facing the challenge of how to best manage these virtual classrooms.
After all, they're very different from a conventional classroom setting. One of the most notable differences is the lack of daily in-person interaction among the teacher and students.
In an online classroom, the teacher may be little more than a name on a computer screen, which can be intimidating to some students as they would not understand their instructor's personality or demeanor to the same extent as they would in an offline classroom. This lack of familiarity and knowledge could prevent students from feeling comfortable with their teachers and perhaps even stop them from doing things such as emailing them to ask questions about an assignment or requesting help with a technical problem. Social presence is a must in virtual classrooms, and below are seven ideas teachers can try with their students.


Post a welcome letter to your students on the online course homepage at the beginning of the semester.

This can help them feel engaged with you and the class as they are sensing your presence right away even though they're not seeing you face to face.

2. Introduce yourself. A personalized introduction can make a good first impression on your students.
Be creative; your introduction can be a picture and a short biography describing your likes, dislikes, personality, etc. You can even provide a link to your homepage if you have one or include an audio or video clip.

Use email frequently.
Email is a great way to communicate with students especially in an online classroom environment.

Emails can be sent to the entire class, particular groups or individuals. Class email can be used as a broadcast system for important announcements. Group email can be utilized to guide students and provide feedback on group projects. Individual email can be used for answering individual questions, motivating students, and following up with them. 4.

Participate actively on discussion boards. Most online classrooms have discussion boards of some sort.

While instructors must monitor their students' posts, it can be really beneficial to be active and engaged in the conversation.
You can comment on students' posts with constructive criticism, feedback, or even a few questions that explore or challenge why they have arrived at a certain conclusion. This guides their learning and encourages them to think.
5. Utilize innovative tools.

Some teachers have tried using blogs with their students; everyone interacts and presents work through the blogs.
Pixton lets students make comics or virtual conversations.

Tools like these can really enhance the learning experience and create diversity in projects. 6.
Make use of polls and surveys. Increase the level of interaction in the virtual classroom by conducting polls and surveys.
These tools can be used to collect feedback, make quizzes, or even just for fun.
7. Encourage students.
At the end of the course, send all your students an email or class announcement congratulating them on their achievements throughout the semester. Be sure to end the class on an upbeat note.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

What You Need for Playing Video Games Overnight With Your Family

It is safe to say that today's family fun nights are climaxed by online gaming.
These games are easier to play and enjoy.

Furthermore, it makes the cleanup much easier the next morning. Parents who wish to play online games with their kids on Friday nights have many options. Among the best games to play with your kids are online racing games.

Many of these games have multiple player capabilities so that you can compete with many people at the same time.

However, before you can enjoy a game night you need these essential things: Game Console Obviously, you will need a game console if you want to enjoy online car games the whole night with your family. For a family night, it is best to stick to set-top system.

You can be able to find a game console of this nature at a great price.

You can simply use your PC as a game console as long as you have a strong internet connection.
Game Controllers To be able to enjoy the game, you need game controllers such as game pads.
Each player should have at least one. That way, you can compete without anyone being left out.
Make sure you buy game pads of the same model for all players.

Some game pads have extra features that give an unfair advantage to the player. It is also important to ensure they are fully charged to last the night.

Pen and paper You should have a pen and paper on hand to keep track of each player's score. As much as it is about fun when playing with your family, it is also about competition. The longer you play, the more you receive victories, points and ranking. Nevertheless, you should avoid being overly competitive as it will take the fun out of the game.
Even if it is a team effort, you will not miss something to record even if it is the number of times you accidentally knock down the coffee cup.

Snacks Since you will be gaming throughout the night, you need to stay awake and energized. To help you achieve these two things, you need healthy snacks.

Cheese, fresh juice, celery, coffee or even carrots will keep you on your toes every hour you remain awake.
Avoid junk foods especially if you are watching your weight.

Nutritionists say that people who eat late night snacks gain weight at a faster rate.

How Secure Are Paper Shredding Services?

Issues regarding fraud and identity theft are on the rise.

For this reason more businesses are ensuring that their documents are permanently destroyed by using a paper shredding service. It is not just businesses using paper shredding services but also individuals with sensitive documents, governments, research companies, and more. A quality paper shredding service will ensure that documents are permanently destroyed.

The shredding machines that companies use effectively grind and tears up the documents into tiny confetti pieces so that is impossible to put it back together.
By using the service, it means you are in compliance with government regulations regarding the proper disposal of confidential and sensitive documents.
The company operates with the strictest security procedures that include adhering to strict guidelines regarding the handling of the documents.
They follow a secure chain of custody from the moment they pick up the documents to the shredding, and finally to taking the shredded pieces for recycling. The mission of document destruction companies is to establish the highest security standard for document destruction. These standards cover secure processing, operational security, employee hiring, and Insurance. Once the documents are destroyed, the company will give their client a Certificate of Destruction which is legal verification that the documents have been destroyed.
This is essential so that you know that such sensitive information as client records, financial records, payroll records, confidential memos, and more, never falls into the hands of fraudsters.
It ensures your company, employees, and customers are protected.
As well, as a business, you are legally obligated to protect sensitive information.

Document and record destruction is the most effective way to protect your sensitive business information.

Another benefit of this service is that regular shredding will prevent boxes of documents from cluttering up your businesses.
A convenient and secure method of paper shredding is using either an on-site paper shredding service or you can have the company pick up and take the documents to their facility for shredding. If you choose the on-site shredding, you can watch the shredding.
Both services are equally secure. Professional document shredding companies will employ such shredding technologies as: hammermill, grinder, and pierce and rotary/tear shear.

The remains are in fine confetti type particles that are irregularly shaped and cannot be reconstructed. As well, the company staff and have had through criminal background checks and are bonded.
When using a document shredding company, you can schedule regular shredding services such as weekly or monthly.

You will be provided with special locked containers for safely storing your company documents until the next shredding day.
Similar to on-site shredding, you can monitor the entire process with security cameras to check whether the documents are completely destroyed.
Today, businesses need to ensure that their sensitive documents are properly protected.

When you use a document shredding service, you will be guaranteed that your documents will be safely and securely destroyed. You will rest easy knowing that a criminal does not have your sensitive documents and is using them for fraud and identity theft.

Why Do Toys and Gadgets Make Kids Happy?

There is always that sense of curiosity about the world that a child has.

This is the reason why Toys and Gadgets are things that makes them happy. Whether discovering the simple things that the world considers basic such as seeing the fish swim in an aquarium, watching balloons fly or seeing animals in the zoo, there is an engagement that the child has in trying to find out the how the world does its wonder. Although the child is already predetermined to work out basic human functions such as walking or talking, the child always have the opportunity to explore what the world is prepared to offer.
Children store strong mental representations of their experiences everyday and imagination then prospers as the concepts that they learn evolve.
These then become the basis of their continuous learning giving them skills such as experimentation and problem solving. Toys and gadgets are great things to help children in exercising their imagination and exploration skills.

The toys and gadgets are not just things that would allow them to feel happy and cool in school but they are also agents of their mental development.

When the child gains the interest of discovering the things that gives them wonder in the world, the toys allow them to process these things to something that can drive their thirst for life. The delight in curiosity that the toys and gadgets help to process also leads to the child's interest in real science. There are a lot of teachers that become hesitant to teach real science to the children but they must wield inventive ways to make the subject interesting.
An example is using science computer games that will be enjoyable for children at the same time allowing them to learn facts about science. Another thing is showing them things that can amaze them by doing fun and simple scientific procedures like making a volcano using vinegar and baking soda.

Toys and gadgets also help in identifying what they will become in the future.
Children are basically gravitated to the kind of things that provides them continued interest and fascination. For example, if a kid chooses to play with medical tools toys, he might develop his interest of becoming a doctor.
Or if he plays with a lot of tractor toys and loves to go make buildings with Lego, the child might just like to become an engineer.
The important thing with these is to try not to deprive children with things that they can eventually have passion in because that will identify what they can offer to society in the future. In short, toys and gadgets provide happiness for the child not only because it is fun and enjoyable but it allows him or her to be better and happier in life.

Online Tutoring - Now Earn From Your Home

Teachers are always in great demand to impart knowledge and to make children understand the rudiments of each subject.

With the advent of the internet, knowledge is only a click away. But there lies a great difference between reading on your own and being taught by an experienced teacher.
This is where the role of online tutors comes in.

Sitting in comfort of your own home and teaching a student half way across the world via the medium of the internet has gathered great momentum in the past few years.

This is beneficial for both the student as well as the teacher since it offers the option of studying and teaching from one's personal environment respectively.

For those who have experience teaching, this can be a piece of cake since this involves a one on one interaction with the student and it offers the chance to give personal attention. Even if one has no experience teaching but have the passion for it and are in need of making some money, online tutoring is one of the best online money making ideas.

To get started one can register on any of the online tutoring websites.

These are portals that create a platform for both tutors and students to interact and find the right fit for the right kind of assistance.

The websites offer the option of creating a profile which can highlight your strengths as a tutor and which subjects you are willing to teach and for what age groups or grades of students.
If you are a parent and understand the needs of children and what kind of tutoring assistance they might need, this puts you at an advantage in identifying the niche crowd who will be willing to avail these tutoring services. Speaking to other parents without being aggressive or selling the idea, you can tactfully bring into the conversation about these online tutoring options.
It also helps to decide which subjects can be handled by you.
Some tutors decide to take on multiple subjects and teach younger age groups.
Most children require assistance for the more difficult subjects such as math or science. Tutors for these subjects are always in demand.

Foreign language tutors are also in demand for subjects such as French, Spanish etc.

The key to being a sought after tutor is to know about the market demand as well as find out what everyone is the area is charging for their services. Novel teaching methods which are well received can go a long way in furthering your popularity as a teacher.
Tutoring can be for several different things and can extend to even adults who require help with certain topics.
This is specifically relevant to adults who move to different countries on work assignments and need to learn the foreign language.

This is a growing market since the global situation of work these days.
Letting friends and family know of your desire to get into tutoring can go a long way in spreading the news by word of mouth. This is a good way of advertising your services as a tutor.

Tuesday 23 December 2014

5 Educational Video Games You Can Play With The Entire Family

Video games don't have to be mindless entertainment. It's now possible to play video games for learning on your TV or on your PC or laptop with the kids.

Below are some of the truly cool educational video games on the market today: 1.
Tropical Fish Shop - This game lets players be the owner of a tropical aquarium shop.

You're tasked with rescuing fish from polluted waters and providing them a good home until someone comes along to adopt them.

This game teaches children some of the responsibilities of pet ownership as well as a little bit about taking care of the environment and even some financial sense with the business game aspect. 2. Roads of Rome 3 - This is a real time strategy type game that plays a lot like the Civilization series of games which puts you in the role of a Roman emperor trying to defend your culture from being invaded. Even though it's not historically accurate in all details, this game gives kids insights into how cities used to be constructed and defended and, sometimes, even destroyed. 3.

The Three Musketeers - This is a fun game which gets kids into the world of classical literature.

This game is packed with fun, combining sword fighting, puzzles, card games, exploration and mystery gaming elements into one expansive package that has you racing up and down the countryside to complete your quest. 4.
Secrets of the Vatican - While firmly rooted in the same sort of fantasy as The Da Vinci Code, Secrets of the Vatican also plays off the same actual historical facts as that book and movie, sending players all over the world to pick up pieces of the Holy Lance.
You'll be going all over the world to pick up clues and pieces of what's called the Holy Lance and teaches players about geography, world history and actually about the arts as well. Definitely a fun way to kick-start a child's interest in fine culture.

Macabre Mysteries- Although it may seem like this game is mere shallow entertainment, it actually pushes those playing to use some critical thinking skills.

By challenging you to solve a series of murder mysteries, this game pushes you into a corner that you can only get out of by using your brain.
While not educational in the traditional sense of teaching kids facts you will want them to know like other video games for learning, Macabre Mysteries teaches vital learning habits that will come in handy later in life.
These educational video games should serve as evidence enough that video games can be challenging to the brain as well as to the thumbs and the reflexes.

This is actually gaming at its best providing real mental challenges as well as being educational on many levels.

Some Information About Information Technology Courses

Qualifications for most IT industry jobs include some type of higher education, certification, or computer experience. A bachelor's degree in computer application or master degree in computer application or master degree in IT is the most prevalent requirement, but some employers accept a two years associate's degree.

Computer science is the only one of many computer related degrees that colleges and universities offer. According to Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), there are five major computing disciplines.

Computer engineering focuses on the design of computer hardware and peripheral devices, often chip level.

The curriculum includes basic studies in calculus, chemistry, engineering, physics, computer organization, logic design, computer architecture, and microprocessor design.
While In Online MCA course focuses on computer architecture and how to program computes to make them work effectively and efficiently. The curriculum includes courses in programming, algorithms and software development, discrete math and physics.
Students investigate the fundamental theories of how computers solve problems, and they learn how to write application programs, system software, computer software, computer languages, and device drivers.

Online BCA students generally find the job as programmers, with good possibilities for advancement to software engineers, object-oriented/GUI developers.

While a student of Online MBA in IT finds the job as a project manager in technical development. These professionals work as theorists, investors and researchers in fields as divers as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and computer games. Information system degree programs focus on applying computers to business problems. The curriculum includes course work in business, accounting, computer programming, communications, system analysis, and human psychology. For students who want to become a computer professional but lack strong math aptitude, most academic advisors recommend the information systems degree.

In Online MS in Information technology course leads to a programming or technical support job, with good possibilities for advancement to system analyst, project manager, database administrator, network manager, or other management positions.

Online MBA in IT programs focus on the computer equipment and software used by business and organizations- how they work, and how they secured, upgraded, maintained, and replaced.
Students in an IT program typically work hands- on with hardware, networks, Web pages, multimedia, e-mail systems, systems analysts, and help desk technicians. A new scope for MBA in IT students is Data base administrator job.
Databases require a high level of expertise, not only in the use of database software, but in the conception and design of database structures.
Many computer professionals have sought certification in database systems, such as Oracle, Access, Sybase and DB2.

Teen's Financial Literacy

Don't Forget To Teach Your Children About Financial Literacy! Financial intelligence says by Robert Kiyosaki is not about how much money we can make: it's more about how much we can save and how hard that money works for us. Why do some people who do not attend university have been successfully? It is because they know how to manage their finances well.

Many who made lots of money have become bankrupt because of bad money habits.
We as Asian parents think that talking about money is a taboo subject and will 'pollute' their children's innocent minds.

We make our choice and face the consequences.

Asian parents always think that they want to provide and protect their children, but the day will come when they must provide for themselves.
When our children grow up they must know how to live within their mean, grow their money and extend help to those in need.
This is an essential skill of life and good financial management needs to be taught. Can all this knowledge come in a day? No it doesn't. Lifetime habits need to be inculcated. Who is then the best teacher to teach children about money? The answer is of course we as PARENTS.
If you think that financial education should be left to schools then perhaps we as parents should think again about this topic! WHY? The process of becoming financial literate is actually a lifelong process that starts before our children enter schools.

It comes in proportion to experiences gained outside a school environment and continues well after graduation day into adulthood and even into retirement.
Schools and financial seminars only help to supplement and reinforce what has been taught at home.

We as parents are the ONLY people in a position to provide consistency to the learning curve for our children.
Today, children have access to more resources and more things to buy with those resources.
The advertisements proclaiming the coolest toy in town and brand power is exerted on young minds.
Not forgetting peer pressure. Both this combination of forces are going to distort a young person's sense of values.

We as parents forget to guide our children well in the ability to make money as we focus on our daily activities to send our children to numerous tuition class so that they can enter good university to get a good degree and of course a good job.

The important lesson as parents we forget is the need to focus on managing the money earned that is how to save, preserve and grow it wisely.
Do you realize that many people who are wealthy today are not necessary people with large incomes or inheritance but those who save and invest well and spend wisely? Most youngsters today are ill-prepared for the financial responsibilities awaiting them in adulthood.
Now's the time to teach them lessons you only wish you had known at their age.

How about you? Tell what do you think?

Finding Success For Your Children In Music

One desire a great number of parents have is for their children to start enjoying music - for them to learn how to play a particular instrument, and to perhaps even become an expert at it; as a music teacher myself, it brings me great joy when I see parents who are making this effort, but one thing many of these parents fail to understand is that there are a handful of core elements that will need to come together in order for your child to become proficient as a musician.

And so, here is a closer examination of four of these elements, and of what they will help your child achieve. Desire: Far too often, children feel like they are being "forced" to play an instrument, and while it will certainly be more beneficial for your child to be playing an instrument regardless of whether or not they enjoy it (after all, it is certainly more productive than playing video games or watching television!), they will only ever put in the time and effort required of them if they want to do it.
Encourage your child to gravitate toward this magical world, but make sure you nudge them toward it by making them see the beauty and fun of it, rather than making them feel forced! Fun: "Fun, you say?" Yes - it is possible for music to be fun, and even the act of learning music can be fun; in fact, I have a number of books on exactly what can be done in order to make music fun for your children, and when you make music practice fun, it will be a whole lot easier for you to get your children to enjoy music, to learn music, and to want to play! Fundamentals: Of course, music is about more than just fun, and is also about fundamentals - as no musician will be able to blossom into an expert unless they have a strong foundation on which they are building; make sure that the music instructor from whom your child is learning is starting at the base and working their way up - especially if the music instructor teaching them is you! Regular practice: And finally, of course, one of the most important things of all will be that your children are practicing on a regular basis, in order to reach a place where they can achieve consistent results; every day your child practices their instrument, they are improving, and every day they do not practice, they are regressing, so make sure your child is putting in the proper practice time, and they will eventually achieve the proper level of success! If you are looking for more information on effectively (and enjoyably!) training your children to play music, be sure to visit - and start making music fun today!

Monday 22 December 2014

Resolve Xul Dll Errors in Windows - Don't Put Up With A Broken Computer!


dll is really a document that is used by the "Firefox" internet browser to help it obtain and process a number of webpages. Sadly, it is also vulnerable to a lot of issues that result in a number of different mistakes that are shown whenever you try to use Firefox.
This problem is really super easy to repair and although a lot of individuals do go through it every single day on their computers, you are able to solve it fairly quickly.
The very first thing you need to do to solve this particular mistake would be to re-install Firefox. You can do this by first installing the most updated version of the free internet browser from Firefox.

com after which saving it to your hard disk. Then you ought to click Start > Control Panel > Add Or Remove Applications and then take away the Firefox program from your system. This can take away the system from your computer and will also remove xul.

dll with it. After you have un-installed Firefox, next reactivate your system (to ensure the alterations took effect) after which open the installer you downloaded prior to.
Next load up this installer and set up the brand new edition of Firefox in your system, which ought to revise xul.dll If this doesn't work, next try to revise xul.dll manually beginning with installing a fresh copy of the document and then putting it on your computer.

You will find xul.

dll in the C:Program FilesMozilla Firefox file of the program and the very first thing you need to do would be to relabel your current xul.

dll to xul2.dll. Next, download a brand new copy of the document from the web and then place it into the file you had the other xul.

dll document in.

This can change that old document with a brand new version that ought to repair the mistake you are seeing. After performing these actions, you might also want to consider utilizing a good anti-virus program to get rid of the computer virus infections that could possibly be muffling the xul.dll document. This can be a fast procedure that is super easy to complete -- you need to simply first download a good anti-virus program and then allow it to scan your computer, getting rid of the infections that may be damaging your system.
It's also wise to use a 'registry cleaner' to repair this problem too.

One of many explanations why Windows continuously has DLL document mistakes is due to how the 'registry' becomes broken or damaged. The computer registry essentially retains the main storage list of all of the DLL documents on your computer (it's known as the "DLL Route References" list) and it is exactly what each and every software program uses on your system to load all of the DLL documents in your program.

This list frequently will get broken, stopping applications such as Firefox from having the ability to browse the DLL documents it needs.
You need to use a 'registry cleaner' to repair this issue for good.

Clash of Clans App

Clash of Clans is a strategy game that has been designed for Apple devices and is available for download in the Apple app store.

The game is one of the most popular games that is available in the store and is a free to download game. The game has more than 4.

5 star rating and is known to be very addictive as players are known to spend hours playing the game. The Clash of Clans app can be downloaded from iTunes and has been designed to suit both iPhone and iPad.
The game has been developed by SuperCell who has now become one of the top game developers in the Apple platform.

SuperCell has two games that have been developed for the Apple platform and they are Clash of Clans and Hay Day. Both games are very popular in the Apple App store and the game developer has been able to challenge the likes of EA Sports who have more than 100 games in the store. This is attributed largely to the success of Clash of Clans which is also able to gross a lot of money for the game developer.
The Clash of Clans app was launched in the Apple app store about 2 years back and has gone through a lot of updates since then.

The latest update was done in April 2013 and the current version that is available for download is 3.124. The game is available in a variety of languages, nine to be exact and is rated 9+ as it has fantasy violence or Mild cartoon violence. The size of the game is 47.

9 MB and requires iOS version 4.

3 or any of the later versions.
The app is very stable and rarely crashes, which is a welcome feature as many game apps tend to crash or become non-responsive often. The game has been optimized for iPhone 5 and can also be played on the iPod touch (3rd, 4th and 5th generations.
Clash of Clans is a free game, but has in-app purchases that will allow you to buy gems and coins that can be used in the game.

Revenue is generated for the game developer through these in-app purchases and there are many who spend a lot of money buying gems while playing the game.
Children have been known to rake up quite a bill while playing the game and therefore parents need to be more vigilant if the kids have access to the password that will allow the app to charge you for the purchases.

Parents can also disable the in-app purchase option in the settings of the device to prevent children from using real money to buy the various items that are on offer in the store.
There are a lot of players who play Clash of Clans across the globe and this gives you the opportunity to team up with clans that have been created by players from different countries and can also compete against other clans.

This makes the game a lot more interesting as there will be a lot of different strategies that will be used by players and this adds to the unpredictability factor.

The game is simple to understand and play, but getting the right strategy to win is where the player's skills are tested.

PTFE Insulated Wire: Beneath the Surface

Think about anyone's average daily routine. First you wake up and walk (ever so slowly) to the bathroom, if you're the kind of person that brushes their teeth first. If not, you might bypass that until later, brew a cup of coffee, and throw some eggs into a frying pan.
Chances are, in those few minutes you used PTFE insulated wires without even realizing it.
In 1938, 27 year old scientist Roy Plunkett accidentally discovered polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which is the chemical name for Teflon®.

Since its humble origins in his New Jersey lab, PTFE has gone on to make some amazing things possible.
One its most frequent functions is as an insulator for PTFE wire (or Teflon® Wire). While I discussed the history of PTFE in an article titled: "PTFE WIRE: The Happy Accident You Never Knew About," this time around we'll discuss how PTFE insulated wire actually functions in the many applications that make use of it. But how does it work? Get ready.
This is where it gets technical. PTFE is engineered with a ratio of four fluorine atoms to every two carbon atoms.

This means, that the carbon center of the molecule is shielded by fluorine atoms.
This means that molecule is almost essentially totally shielded from contact with other molecules.

This means that it's virtually impossible for any other substance to reach the carbon atom. Because of the substance's unique carbon to fluorine ratio, its bond is just about unbreakable. However, this is not all. The chemical fluorine is also severely anti-social. Put quite simply, it wants nothing to do with other atoms. It is the loner of the chemical world.

As part of the PTFE compound, it's "goal" is to stay alone and avoid all contact with other atoms.

Because of this, anything that comes close is pushed away and doesn't stick to whatever surface is coated with PTFE. For this very reason, PTFE is used worldwide as the world's most slippery material.

When it comes to PTFE insulated wire, the many benefits you just read about go a long way when it comes to protecting the wire PTFE insulates.
The unique chemical structure of PTFE not only provides extremely good insulation, but it also repels any chemical attempting to permeate the insulation.

From your kitchen to the car you drive, PTFE helps keep things running, safe, and effective every day -- and now you have a small insight into how it happens.
Maybe the knowledge will come in handy, maybe you were just interested in reading a bit about how PTFE insulation actually works, or perhaps you were just bored.
Either way, thanks for reading.

Mark Dovakin is a writer and history buff who frequently writes about science, technology, and the history of it all. Most recently, he has researched and written about the use and discovery of PTFE wire and how it affected our modern world.